All right then:
And tell me whether any literary work whatsoever is compatible with states of this kind.
...the whole problem: to have within oneself the inseparable reality and the physical clarity of a feeling, to have it to such a degree that it is impossible for it not to be expressed, to have a wealth of words, of acquired turns of phrase capable of joining the dance, coming into play; and the moment the soul is preparing to organize its wealth, its discoveries, this revelation, at that unconscious moment when the thing is on the point of coming forth, a superior and evil will attacks the soul like a poison, attacks the mass consisting of word and image, attacks the mass of feeling, and leaves me panting as if at the very door of life.
And now suppose that I feel this will physically passing through me, that it jolts me with a sudden and unexpected electricity, a repeated electricity. Suppose that each of my thinking moments is on certain days shaken by these profound tempests which nothing outside betrays. And tell me whether any literary work whatsoever is compatible with states of this kind.
That is the twenty-seven–year–old Artaud writing to the editor of the prestigious Nouvelle Revue Française, the well-known poet Jacques Rivière, ten years Artaud’s senior. It is also the clearest presentation of the problem’s core we have from Artaud himself.
—“Wagner/Artaud,” from Samuel Delany’s Longer Views; meme via Elkins
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Ooh, nice.
You inspired me; I followed the meme instructions and got this sentence:
If you are inside a building, move toward a window.
It's from um, my Nokia phone user guide.
"This is our world, lit with crescents and stars of light; and great petals half transparent block the opening like purple windows."
"She led them through the gullet of the airship to the prow, where stairs so steep they had to be climbed on all fours like a ladder rose to the pilothouse."
Wow. Who knew Artaud could be so coherent?
His "Lancelot" is the flower of the courtly tradition in France, as it was in its early maturity.
Alas, the nearest book was Printing with Wood Blocks, Stencils & Engravings by Alan & Gill Bridgewater, and has an illustration on page 23 with a very short caption.
Taking the path of least resistance, the 5th sentence on page 25 is:
"Then he brought back all the goods, and also brought back his nephew Lot with his goods, and the women and the people."
What this flat thud (which never fails to send a shudder through the theater) has in common with the noise in Cavani's film is that it transforms the human being into a thing, into vile, inert, disposable matter, with its entrails and osseous cavities.
They can forecast accurately what percentage of a goup of people will perish in auto accidents, but cannot name the individuals who will die.
From an article in the marketing annual editions entitled THe customer profitability Conundrum: When to love 'em or Leave 'em by Booz Allen Hamilton, which is just a cool name.
But the beggar stayed, and nobody drove him away.
from Kalpa Imperial: the Greatest Empire that never was
by Angelica Gorodischer, trans. by Ursula K. Le Guin
He ruled north of the Forth-Clyde line while his younger brother David (later David I) controlled southern Scotland in his name.
Chambers Dictionary of World History (adopting a certain flexibility as to what counts as a sentence)
"Even though nothing is animated, the story should be clear, and the jokes should make sense."
Flash MX Design for TV and Video by Janet Galore and Todd Kelsey
As the small press publisher who originally published Chip's Wagner/Artaud and the anthologist who first brought Angelica Gorodischer's Kalpa Imperial (trans. U. K. Le Guin) to American attention, I am beginning to feel oppressed by my own works. Do you suppose Long Story, Short Pier could discuss the residue of somebody else's life for a while?
Well, you know, Mr. Nielsen Hayden, you could stop leaving your residue scattered around by other people's computers...
Hey Patrick: "What? I'm not going to stick this in your ear." (Maureen McHugh, Mission Child).
Now I just need to get myself a journal . . .
'But I,' he continued with the utmost complacency, 'have discovered a definition which will, I think, meet with general acceptance.'
"Don't tell me --"
Walker Percy, The Moviegoer.
"I was just going to send a boat down the river for you, Ratty, with strict orders that you were to be fetched up here at once, whatever you were doing."
-- The Wind in the Willows
"On the whole, such political audacities could be ventured only in a great cosmopolitan center like Paris."
-- Mozart: A Cultural Biography
1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.From Galatea 2.2, by Richard Powers: After that, we left...
Patrick: Purely coincidence or serendipity or good taste, I suppose. I discovered Kalpa Imperial because of the Library Journal review. Next I'm going to read Cosmos Latinos: An Anthology of Science Fiction from Latin America and Spain. I've obviously been neglecting some wonderful writers.
Elmore Leonard's Tishomingo Blues give us:
"If anything, he thought the straight-shooter in the cowboy hat might produce a pair of handcuffs."
Now, for an exercise, string all the resulting quotes into a new short story.
The easy habit of configuration which had lasted through several centuries yields with the Renaissance to continuous, lineal, and uniform sequences for time and space and personal relationship alike.
- Marshall McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy
Caterina points us to Memery, an experiment in distributed literary collage (a la William S. Burroughs' famous "cut-up" technique). Instructions: Grab the nearest book Open to page 23 Read the fifth sentence Post it Here's mine: "The easy habit of...
Book Meme
I thought today we could play a literary game.
Ripley (Weaver) returns to the Alien's planet with a bunch of ultramacho Marines (and a Kid!) to wipe out the beast once and for all, or at least until Alien3.
Remove unused unzipped files and other duplicate files.
from "Degunking Windows" by Joli Ballew and Jeff Duntemann
Sandy McMurray, Editor
who's minding the counter?
Trivial Neat exercise to see what people are reading. Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 23. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. Mine: "Aquinas would say...
Nifty Reading Trick
From Kerry (who got it here: Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 23. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along...
Fun With Random Quotes
One day, I hope to concoct a fabulous traffic-generating scheme like this, which I found through About Last Night and Edward Champion's Return of the Reluctant. Here's the deal: 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page...
Instructions: Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 23. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the...
When attaching a lens other than an EF-S lens, align the lens with the red EF lens index mark
- my camera's instruction manual.
You need robust dialogue to surface the realities of the business.
~ Larry Bossidy, Execution - The Discipline of Getting Things Done
After selecting the route offered by Barney, Fred has to inform its neighbors about the new route.
From EIGRP Network Design Solutions
Certainly individuals afflicted with serious hereditary deficiencies--the feeble-minded, the insane, the epileptic--should be restricted from reproduction, though even then there is the possible danger of ascribing too much to heredity and too little to environmental factors in the causation of these diseases. --A Marriage Manual: A Practical Guide-Book to Sex and Marriage, Drs. Hannah and Abraham Stone (1939)
One gloved hand kept the heavy, well-patched curtain open; the other held a notepad, curled protectively within the crook of an arm.
~ Julie E. Czerneda - In the Company of Others
"Are they what they appear to be, genuine phenomena that transcend the usual boundaries of space and time, or are they better understood as conventional psychological and physical effects?"
— Dead Radin, PhD - "The Conscious Universe," pg. 25 par. 5
"After this he waited for his chance to destroy the leaders of the Orsini, having already dispersed those of the Colonna."
-- Niccolo Machiavelli, "The Prince", page 23, fifth complete sentence
The 23rd page game.
Here's an interesting game. 1. Take the closest book to you. 2. Turn to page 23. 3. Type out the fifth sentence. "The gravitational body force acting on an element of volume, dV, is given by rho(g)(dV), where rho is...
Page 23 Meme
A cool meme. Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 23. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. "Secondly, although an English carrier or short-faced tumbler differs immensely...
"None escaped that way."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
First, our inferences rest on a statistical model, a set of assumptions about the population of scores.
"Leonard dragged up a clod of dirt and broke it in his hands."
The Sheep Look Up - John Brunner
At Hwy. E, turn north, following curves in road to Camp Branch Road.
-April Issue of the Calontir Mews
- Growing up brought responsibilities, he found.
-Jude The Obscure, by Thomas Hardy
I was yawning all over the place.
Thanks, Holden.
Le Corbusier in his plans and writings took what he saw as the possibilities inherent in the machine, factory, and automobile age and projected them into some utopian future.
~ David Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity
"Afterwards, I told the lawyer, 'I ain't joining no army,' and he says, 'You don't have to. I just said that to get you off"
Underboss - Sammy "The Bull" Gravano's story of life in the mafia, as told by Peter Maas.
You have been my only friend on this planet - the only soul to sense and seek for me within the repellent form which lies on this couch.
I don't like the way he smells or that horrible monotone voice or anything.
~ Alan Moore, Watchmen
This takes the fuss out of downsizing, the employee doesn't even have to clean out a desk.
[The Dilbert Principle by Scott Adams]
He spoke with the comfortable irony of a man who had in his time been completely exclusive, who had in fact excluded from his solitary table in the Protectorate everyone but himself.
Graham Greene, The Heart of the Matter
I would like to point out that I mistakenly typed "pg. 25" previously. It is actually from pg 23, par 5, as requested.
Complete Douchebag
"She could place a child in a bucket/ and bathe it, could stitch the mouth/ in the red shirt closed."
"Near the end of a race, when economy deteriorates due to fatigue, you mae sense that your pedaling and technical handling skills are 'getting sloppy.'"
Pale yellowish worms which are found under manure piles look like angleworms, but are really a distinct species.
Dateline: Toronto
"The people who really run organizations are usually found several levels down, where it's still possible to get things done."
- Terry Pratchett, _Small Gods_
"Teresa had said that Adolf Hitler had raised her country from the dead, freed it from its enemies, made it the strongest nation in the world and delivered it from fear. Delivered it from fear!"
G. Gordon Liddy - Will (Don't ask)
"But it will shortly be clear that the sense of 'model' and 'pattern' that permits the appropriation is not quite the one usual in defining 'paradigm.'"
-Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
The study however appears to have found a correlation between the length of bra wearing time and breast cancer.
Human Sexuality Textbook
Experience had told her that this was the minimum necessary temperature increase.
Discuss situations in which these artifacts matter, and those in which they do not.
-Computer Graphics Principles and Practice
1.?Aprendes tu' mucho en tus clases? (si')
(For the gringos, "Do you (informal) learn much in your classes?")
Page 23: Present Tense of -er and -ir from New Edition Nassi Level 1 Spanish First Year Workbook, a most intriguing tome indeed.
Ist Euch vielleicht ein Viertelchen Eidechs gefällig oder ein Froschschenkelein?
(Eng: Would you like a quarter of a lizard or a small frog leg?)
Wilhelm Hauff, Die Karawane - Märchen, Die Geschichte von Kalif Storch
(Eng: Wilhelm Hauff, The Caravan - Fairy Tales, The Tale of Caliph Stork)
PeopleCode webcast student guide from PeopleSoft, page 23, sentence 5:
You have already built several applications using this process in PeopleTools I and PeopleTools II.
"Pick up the nearest book. Open it to page 23. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions." Ok: "Each boy saw the other was coated up to his neck in
Instant Bibliomancy!
Caught a link through PLSJ to a little fun with instant bibliomancy (the art of foretelling the future by reading...
Pressing this claim, the Israelis denied the Mixed Armistice Commission any jurisdiction over the DZ's (Syrian representatives sat on the MAC) and declared them off-limits to Syrian farmers.
This from "Six Days of War" by Michael B. Oren
"Press firmly, gently, insistently, languorously, slowly, then faster."
From 203 Ways to Drive a Man Wild in Bed, by Olivia St. Claire
beautiful adj. utsukushii; kirei na; beautifully utsukushiku
closest book was: Webster's New World Compact Japanese Direction, 23rd page, 5th entry
The rain, sleet, snow, and hail melting and mixing had left the ground sodden; still, there was an obvious area where the earth had been freshly manipulated.
From: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
Même, meme pas?
Vu ailleurs, lu ici : Prenez le livre le plus proche; Ouvrez le livre à la page 23; Trouvez la cinquième phrase; Postez le texte de la phrase sur votre blogue avec ces instructions. Le résultat (Le nouvel art du...
You can use it, along with the alert() method, to write a function that desplays a list of names and values of all properties of an object, for example.
-Javascript: The Definitive Guide (3rd Edition)
by: David Flanagan
What might have appeared to an outsider to be flaws or restrictions were seen by Blairlogie as advantages.
Robertson Davies _What's Bred in the Bone_
You're saying that if you put in a year at Runway you'll save yourself three more years of bullshit assistant work somewhere else?
Sidan 23
Jag tror att sidan 23 fenomenet som dykt upp på många bloggar de senaste dagarna har sitt ursprung här: Rätta mig om jag har fel. Här kommer mitt bidrag: Ta den bok som ligger närmast. Öppna boken på sidan...
Alex points to a fun meme on Long Story Short Pier. Here's what you do: Grab the nearest book.Open the book to page 23.Find the...
Inane Blogging Fun
Robert Prather via Pejman, which I traced back to Long story; short pier , comes the following challenge:1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the...
Pulling teeth (a mimetic fiction)
The dentist liked black women, first because they said things that could have got a KO'd boxer back on his feet, and second because they didn't sweat in bed. It wasn’t that he had a racial preference, per se. Rather,...
Finally men can no longer deposit memories of past love affairs with their dirty underwear in our hampers.
Time Waster
Long Story; Short Pier wants to start a meme: 1) Grab the nearest book. 2) Open the book to page...
from Douglas Adams' posthumously published Salmon of Doubt:
The law descended on me.
"Guy recalled that he was an ugly kid."
Every Breath You Take -- Ann Rule.
Satisfying the meme indulgence. 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. For example, include any JDBC...
"Secure their agreement that the assumptions of the plan are sound and that all involved are willing to do their part."
Say What You Meme
Here, it says this: Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 23. Find the fifth sentence. Post the...
Même, meme pas?
Vu ailleurs, lu ici : Prenez le livre le plus proche; Ouvrez le livre à la page 23; Trouvez la cinquième phrase; Postez le texte de la phrase sur votre blogue avec ces instructions. Le résultat (Le nouvel art du...
"That is not a real bearded lady", cried a paying customer at Barnum's Museum.
- Uncle John's Unstoppable Bathroom Reader
It's Friday, Why Not?
It's Friday finally so I'll waste a minute or two and play along to help Long Story;Short Pier start his meme: 1.Grab the nearest book. 2.Open the book to page 23. 3.Find the fifth sentence. 4.Post the text of the...
'But that could be quite a trick, behind a stack of octagons'
Case attempts to control his paranoia in William Gibson's 'Neuromancer' (1984)
For some reason, I am particularly curious about the origins of this meme. I only found out about it today,...
23/5 meme
The meme infecting the entire world of blogs is the following: 1.
Some of us have a better chance of defeating Tiger Woods at the Masters than fixing our famiilies.
"Due to recent emergency egress (escape) concerns, the City of Cambridge Inspectional Division has been spending their freetime [sic] bugging Building Services and making sure that all design supplies are kept well stored in other places."
from The Graduate School of Design Student Handbook 003 / 004
"Misanthrope" is someone who dislikes everybody, not just men.
(from Contact by Carl Sagan)
The thread of a meme
Well, ok, I'll play - 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.Following the directions explicitly -...
"And the fact, the almost infinitely unlikely fact, of actually being Cézanne makes no difference."
The Doors of Perception - Aldous Huxley
"Contemplate reality... you are going down a paved road at any legal speed."
Preston, Dave. 2003. _Motorcycle 101_. Seattle, WA: Mixed Media (
Because I'm a slave to fashion:
Long Story, Short Pier wants it, and here it is: 2) Open the book to page 23. 3) Find the fifth sentence. 4) Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. It just happens that...
"Aggression Level: 5 (Very High)"
-Manual, Sid Meier's Civilization III: Conquests, The Mongols.
(Note synchronicity of number 5)
From now on, the world's gonna know exactly what I think of it!
- The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes -
The chief topic they discussed was how to make sure, in Stimson's words, Japan "fired the first shot."
- "The New Dealers' War" by Thomas Fleming
Nearest book
The nearest book
Requiring this kind of confirmation is as draconian as it is futile According to this meme about grabbing the nearest book and looking up the 5th sentence on page 23. (the book is The Humane Interface by Jef Raskin) [ via FrozenSkies, via the Textpatte...
In this manner, the Orions manipulated and studied dozens of primitive societies within their sector, trying to duplicate the conflict the Elder Civilizations faced in myriad small scale scenarios.
From the manual for the computer game "Master of Orion 3"
(I am amazed at the kind of books other people had closest to their computer)
For some reason, I am particularly curious about the origins of this meme. I only found out about it yesterday,...
"Tras sumar ahora el tiempo total transcurrido en cualquier etapa momento de la carrera, advertiremos que después de dos etapas la suma es 1 + 1/2, después de tres 1 + 3/4, después de cuatro 1 + 7/8, etc."
Original title: 'Achilles in the Quantum Universe'
anodyne- n. any treatment or drug that soothes and eases pain.
The Bantam Medical Dictionary (rev 1990)
"He's bad, Mama," Jake said, his face pressed into her neck. "Make that bad guy go away."
In the following example, the first line shows the sting /tmp being assigned to the variable DIR.
"Why is he there day after day?"
Charles Van Loan, "Baseball as the Bleachers Like It" (1909), quoted in "Baseball: A Literary Anthology".
Do this by gathering the spinnaker from forward and leeward of the companionway hatch and feeding it aft to the Squirrel stationed in the hatch.
From a manual on sailing an assymetrical spinnaker on a larger vessel.
(D) be unable to adjust and suffer harm
--From Kaplan's SAT II Biology E/M 2003-4 Edition
"the god-damned thing is over."
C. Bukowski: Sifting Through the Madness for the Word, the Line, the Way
Because I'm Trendy
Look ma! Another pointless internet thingy I've opted to get involved with: Long Story, Short Pier wants it, and here it is: 1) Grab the nearest book. 2) Open the book to page 23. 3) Find the fifth sentence. 4)...
I tracked down what seems to be the source of this meme, and thought I would join in. 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of...
"Yeah?" Huddie asked.
Sniffing out Page 23
Tracking the Page 23 Meme to its source, starting from where I first saw it: OKCalvin < Tulipgirl < Thinklings < Jared < Elfin Ethicist...
"A low rumble."
Words escape me.
On the one hand, the dispersed naure of solar energy is a disadvantage in that it requires concentration; on the other hand, it is an advantage in that it does not require a distribution system from a central source.
-Herman Daly, Steady State Economics, 1991
This made the boys shake their heads.
--Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi
17. Did the children blow up some balloons?
--Understanding and Using English Grammar 2nd Ed. by, Betty Schrampfer Azar
So, very early, a pattern had been established that endures to this day: people dislike Microsoft, which is okay; but they dislike it for reasons that are poorly considered, and in the end, self-defeating.
~ In the Beginning... Was the Command Line by Neal Stephenson
A month later they were all at Nicopolis on the Danube, boasting they could hold the sky up with their lances.
Page 23 only contains two sentences. - Beyond the Farthest Star, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Exhausted, stomach rumbling, mind spinning over the same unaswerable questions, Harry fell into an uneassy sleep.
Shake Both hands vigorously at the wrists, as if trying to shake them off, then wriggle and bend your fingers in many different directions.
from - "Learning to Draw Drawing to Learn."
From 「孤剣」(Koken), by Fujisawa Shuuhei.
Straight grade is a mixture of R2 to R5
(From Artisan Baking Across America)
Hmm.. I got possibly the shortest, most boring sentance in what is one of my favorite books: - Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M Persig.
When we have these substances available in the pure state we ought to be able to deal with many departures from the normal sexual life, ranging from gross perversion to a woman's inability to suckle her children; since lactation, as well as the normal instincts, appears to depend on the presence of definite substances in the blood.
"They slept on soft furs in the lower bunks."
The Death and Rebirth of the Senica, by A.F.C. Wallace.
"It was a girl called Tinker Bell exquisitely gowned in a skeleton leaf, cut low and square, through which her figure could be seen to the best advantage."
-- Peter Pan, by J.M. Barrie
It takes only a few large programs to learn that ou can avoid a lot of stress by planning ahead.
Grab Book Page 23 Sentence 5 Meme
Spreading to a blog near you: 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. Okay, here goes....
I wonder what I shall be then?
~ Lewis Carroll,
"Alice in Wonderland"
I've read that Augustine said that to look for God is to find him, but I was not looking for God, not really.
-- "Traveling Mercies" Anne Lamott
View filters box Enables you to view only custom recipients, distribution lists, mailboxes, public folders, or all of these combined.
"Getting Started: The Business - Critical Messaging and Collaboration Server, Exchange Server"
I've seen this stuff on various blogs for weeks but hadn't found the original until tonight. I am a bit surprised, as I was sure it must have begun as a Discordian conspiracy. They uphold "The Law of Fives" and "the holy 23." Anyway, here's my contribution:
Consciousness is taken by surprise and split into two levels, one conventional and one unconventional.
- Robert Grudin, On Dialogue: An Essay in Free Thought
Anyone interested in creative literary devices like this one might also want to check out the Oulipo, Grown Dodo, and the Internet Anagram Server.
My page 23, 5th sentence:
The new species of being is the thought of the essence of actuality itself: the absolute termination of the construction of the world: the absolute itself the middle term, qua existential matter: the absolute itself the articulated (complex) essence: the word itself thought itself: matter itself unconditionally essential (the elemental constituents of the absolute essentially absolute): the perfection itself of experience now essentially not yet itself the body itself, but yet experience itself essentially unconditioned.
(From "Foundation: Matter the Body Itself" by D.G. Leahy)
Illusionism is thus sporadic rather than permanent.
God's people are doubly His children, they are His offspring by creation, and are His sons by adoption in Christ.
Morning by Morning. by: Charles H. Spurgeon
Page 23
The herbs has a pharmacological base; she was becoming a new-world scientist.
From China Boy by Gus Lee
Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooothere peopldjf;alksdjf;laksjdf;laksjdf;laskdjf;laskjdf;alskdjf;alskjdf;laksdfj;laksdfja;sldkfja;slkdjfa;skjdalskjdfa;lskdjf;aslkdjfsa;lkdjfa;jf;askdjfas;ldkfjas;lkdfja;lkfja;lskdjfa;slkdfjas;ldkfja;lskdjkdfj faskjfk fifafiifasf8arfagahjqfvgfgkdfgiadf;gahfj gaajkfdi d jfi kfjals afjasjfifj sfjaskdfj ajasdk fja;lkdfadkljfalkfjaslk fadfadfgasd
this has bee =n typed reas fast and injapanese so ha ha ha ur page fuckin sucks you dumb ass piece of crap
"Some of these devices enable disabled people to control household and workplace appliances that most of us operate by hand."
- from the computer science ethics textbook, A Gift of Fire, by Sara Baase
Page 23
Avec beaucoup de retard, je poste la mienne.
C?est probablement une analogie à la fois formelle et sémantique qui a aligné l?horloge autrefois masculine sur la montre et la pendule.
Marina Yaguello, Le sexe des mots (ISBN : 2-02-021095-9)...
Même, meme pas?
Vu ailleurs, lu ici : Prenez le livre le plus proche; Ouvrez le livre à la page 23; Trouvez la cinquième phrase; Postez le texte de la phrase sur votre blogue avec ces instructions. Le résultat (Le nouvel art du...
Before you install Vcontroller software, make sure you gather all of the network addressing information that represents your new Firebox Vclass security appliance.
i agree